Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CHARITIES: Workplace Giving Season is Upon Us… Are You Ready?

Workplace giving is an important source of unrestricted funds for nonprofits – dollars not earmarked for special projects or programs, but that can be used to keep the lights on, keep good staff on board, or fund new programs and initiatives.

Labor Day marks the traditional kick-off of workplace giving in America. The Combined Federal Campaign [CFC] is getting under way, various campaigns in the private sector are gearing up, and many state, local, and municipal government campaigns are going full speed ahead.

What do you need to do to be ready?
  • This is the one time of year that you MUST put something on the front page of your website -- even if it’s just a link to a subordinate page – to let donors know they can support you through workplace giving. Something along the lines of “You can support YourCharity through the CFC and other workplace giving programs. Click for more information.”
  • Arm yourself with “success stories.” Potential donors want to know about more than the need. They want to know that there is a solution.
  • Do you have a mailing planned? By now, you should have a list of all of your workplace giving donors from last year, who requested an acknowledgement of their gift. This is a good time of year to get a postcard out to them, thanking them again, and reminding them to support you this year.
  • Perfect your elevator speech – you should be able to describe the benefit to the community of your organization in less than 30 seconds.
  • Be prepared – or have someone on staff prepared – to go to workplace giving campaign events to speak about your organization.  Campaign coordinators have a lot on their plate. You can help them make the giving program engaging and fun by being available to give a presentation.

Get ready, get set...