Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Modern Medicine is an Amazing Thing

So. Modern medicine is an amazing thing. Friday, July 23, 2010, my wife, Pamela, had an invasive procedure to relieve pressure on her brain stem.

On Sunday, July 25, 2010, at 5:30 a.m., Pamela sent a text message saying she might be coming home.

Anyway you cut it (pardon the pun), the possibility of being home two days after a four hour brain surgery is mind boggling.

But, even if they kept her another 24 hours, the progress she's made is astounding. Once again, I cannot overstate the care, compassion, and commitment shown by the staff at Johns Hopkins. Their connection with Pamela has been amazing. In a nutshell, if you're thinking about having brain surgery, if you're considering having the ol' noggin opened up for some dusting and cleaning, I'd recommend Johns Hopkins in a heartbeat.

Of course, this rapid recovery is testimony to the prayers and support of all who know and love Pamela. A single prayer or good thought has a genuine impact in the physical world. The multitude of prayers, good thoughts, and positive energy flow from all whose lives Pamela's has touched had significant impact. Prayer works. 

After we're done here, let's move on to world peace!

Pamela has said told me that she is grateful for this outpouring from her friends and family. I will add that I, too, am grateful. It has been profoundly moving to witness the wave of love that has flowed through our lives over the past several days. Thank you. 

Keep the prayers coming, because Pamela has about six weeks recovery ahead of her. Pamela, as you all know, is a force of nature. So, say a prayer for me too -- to help me keep her in bed and off her feet for a while. It'll be a formidable task... I'll need all the prayers I can get ;-}
